Thursday, December 8, 2016

Logan's Temple

Today was pretty busy for a Thursday! I woke up and soon got to work reading my final chapter for lifespan development, about death and stuff. Just before 1:00, I made my way over to the biotechnology center where the rat lab is so that I could have my meeting with the TA. I was slightly irritated because she specifically said she met only by appointment, but immediately after I set an appointment with her, she sent out an e-mail inviting people to come during certain times, including during my appointment. 

But I was the first one there and I got to ask all ten of the questions I had written down, so it wasn't bad. And I can understand being open about her office hours on the last week. It makes sense.

I browsed the campus store for Secret Santa gifts and generally killed time before lifespan development. I did head over there soon though, and I reviewed my chocolate notes. Final is on Monday! Yikes! The snow started coming down after lifespan development was over. Glad I wore warm shoes!

It took Dropbox a really long time to load these pictures. 
Actually, it never did. After half an hour, I e-mailed them to myself.
I remember when I used to have to wait ages for each of my 
writing pieces when switching computers. Nice to use Google Docs!

I ate at the Marketplace, and Alison and I went to the temple to do baptisms this evening. I spent the time before she picked me up getting ready, of course. One of the things I had to do was cut out my temple recommend from the paper I'd been given by the bishop. The guy at the temple desk wasn't happy that it wasn't folded yet. I asked him (politely, I might add), "Do the two sides fold underneath it?" He stared through me and then said, "No, you fold it this way, and then you can fold it this way too". Then he folded the two sides underneath the middle portion, if that makes any sense. I nodded and smiled and accepted the plastic recommend holder... sheet protector thing he gave me, and followed Alison to do confirmations.

Then we got our clothes, of course. I'm used to the women at the Draper temple glancing at me and handing me the clothes in my size. And all of them- bra included, and often socks and a hair scrunchie too. That didn't happen here. One of the women asked me what size I wanted. I said, "The smallest in everything, please". She pulled out a jumpsuit, paused, and asked if I wanted large women's underwear. Um.

I repeated my request to have size Small for everything, and she gave me a towel too (which I wasn't used to), but no bra (which I didn't realize until I was in the changing room). Turns out the bras were all in buckets on a shelf in there. Maybe that's too much information, but it's what happened. I just thought it was interesting. Very different set-up from what I'm used to. There were lots of people there, but for some reason most of them were sitting in the pews, and not dressed in baptismal clothes. Alison and I headed in. The man in the font struggled with most of the names, but he made it through. 

Changing out of the baptismal outfits was interesting too, since different items were supposed to go in different locations, and the jumpsuits (or whatever the outside pieces are called) were meant to be hung on a bar instead of tossed down a chute. Different set-up, again. But at least I didn't lose my locker key. And I only got asked if this is my first time in the temple once! Not bad for only doing baptisms for seven years. Sometimes I get a big explanation of what to do and a tour.

I changed and waited for Alison to join me back in the chapel area. As we were leaving, the youngest of the men who had been in the confirming room ran out and said one of his companions had a prompting that we needed to drive safely.

 Picture I took of the temple as Alison 
started cleaning snow off her windshield
Don't worry- I helped her too!

Luckily, we made it back home all right. And Alison stopped by Lee's for me so I could run in and grab some milk. I'd finished the last of mine up this morning and really wanted to get a new gallon, especially because I knew if I didn't pick it up now, tomorrow I'd find myself waiting in the snow for half an hour for the bus to pick me up. Although I realized later that I could have scheduled Lee's to deliver it. But then we would have had to wait two days... Anyway, it was great to get the milk.

Demetria had gone out caroling for a relief society ARMS activity, and when she got back we finished off the Christmas devotional (I liked Eyring's talk). I was worried I would miss a call from my family during it, but I didn't, so that's good, I guess. And after that I spent the rest of the night working on my rat report and doing dishes and stuff.

I used my three-ring hole puncher for the first time!

Report's coming along. It's all done, except I want to print my graphs in color, which means I'll have to use the library computers. I was hoping I could turn the report in tomorrow and wash my hands of it, but I also need a cheap folder with brads (or whatever those brass clips are called) to put the report in. Demetria offered me this really neat folder that said Utah State University on it, but it had only pockets, and no place for three-ring punches. 

Maybe I'll ask my teacher if I can deliver it to him sometime after class. Either that, or I'll just hold onto it until Monday. It's not due until Wednesday, so it's not like I'm cutting it too close. One less thing on my plate now!