Friday, December 16, 2016


We're done! I had my horticulture test this morning. It wasn't so bad. After it was over I began cleaning the apartment and packing. I am out of here!

One thing that worked for me this semester, I think, was printscreening or scanning in all my syllabuses - the ones that listed assignments and due dates, specifically - and dropping them on my desktop as icons. They were easy to find and click on and were very helpful. I had also typed other important class details like teacher e-mails, office hours and locations, the grading system (at what percent was a grade an A, A-, or B), and highlights of the syllabuses in a single document. That was nice too.

One thing I want to do better next semester is typing up my notes. Rather than waiting until near the end of the semester to do it, I think I'll type them up a little every day, or at least every week, and review them regularly. If I put them on Google Docs, they're even accessible from my phone, so I can easily glance at them during bus rides or over breakfast. I'll also use Quizlet more, and that should help me study a lot better.

Dad picked me up, and we stopped by Sonic on our way home. The thing I love about Sonic is that they have really good grilled cheese, really good shakes, and really good fries. Definitely my favorite fast food place. And, usually the employees deliver your food while on roller skates.

It was a pleasant drive, and when we made it back, I got to see my family. It was actually my first time seeing Dad since Halloween, although I did see the rest of my family over Thanksgiving. Mom, Stockton, Jorja, and Preston went to a trapeze version of "The Nutcracker", since one of Stockton's friends was playing the Nutcracker. I stayed home with Dad.

Mom and Dad put me to sleep in the guest room. It was nice and cozy. I do miss my apartment, but it's good to mix things up. Here's to a relaxing vacation! No homework!