Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Rogue One

Mom and I went back to the store today. We had my glasses fixed, and picked up some groceries, like actual egg whites and this coffee creamer stuff that Jorja wanted so she could make hot chocolate mix for her friends. I did some writing - I finished an 8,700-word piece that I've been hovering over for a few months - and I played Pokemon. 

I also watched one of my online friends stream her art for a long time, before it froze up. She was drawing some Christmas-y Danny Phantom with his family. I've been meaning to watch that show since she loves it so much, but didn't get the chance since KissCartoon went down. But I got to talk to her and cheer her up since she was feeling a little socially isolated, so that was fun. She always has nice things to say about me.

We saw "Star Wars: Rogue One" tonight. I liked it, and I think it's my favorite Star Wars movie. There are lots of quotable lines from it and I enjoyed the world-building it offered, but I won't say anything more. I love backstories, so having a movie about how the rebels got the Death Star blueprints was very fascinating.